I made a mellow yellow quilt on a snow day. I named it Sunflower Patch because it is a patch of sunflowers.
I learned how to raw edge applique using ThermOWeb HeatNBond Lite.Now I love to use it.
This quilt was dreamt up and created by Pip, age 5. She did have a bit of help from her mom to get this done.
I (Kim) have to admit I strongly encouraged both the girls – Capri and Pip (Cedi was at a sleepover). I encouraged them to make an hour glass coaster and showed them how … they each came up with their own idea (LOVE that!).
Pip and Capri talked together and brainstormed. Capri just told me that she wanted to do “split time” but Capri wasn’t sure how that would work … so Pip came up with an image of a girl saluting at the end of their beam routine.
Pip picked out all of her fabrics but I did help her come up with a way to make this happen! I love using ThermOWeb’s Heat N Bond EZ Print Lite for doing shapes that are hard to draw by hand. You just have to find an image online, blow it up to the full size of the 8.5” x 11” sheet of fusible (or smaller) and print it out. Then, loosely cut around the shape and fuse it to the fabric you chose. Once it’s fused, you carefully cut the shape out and it looks like you’re amazingly talented!
As Pip was deciding where to put the girl on her fabric she noticed that it was possible to match up the patterns in the fabric! I personally think that’s the coolest thing about this piece!
All of my girls are able to use one of my older machines without help … but Capri needed it to finish her project. So – I set Pip on my lap and monitored while she worked on the quilting on my Bernina. (I did help with guiding along the edge of the fused girl to make sure she didn’t fall off). Pip did all of the overall quilting herself.
Words from Pip, “My favorite part about my final project is that it is actually really, really cool.”
(I put the binding on … Pip is going to give this quilt to one of her dolls!)
“Eight Infinity” created by Capri Lapacek for the Project QUILTING Eight is Great Challenge.
Hi my name is Capri and I’m eight years old. I had a snow day so
I decided to do the challenge. I sewed on eight pink flowers and a bunch of puffballs. I put ribbon around my eight/infinity symbol to make it stand out. I sewed the binding on at basketball. This is what my quilt turned out to look like.
Here’s my mini quilt. It measures ”9 x 9”.
The Heart of Love – A Quilted Pillow by Mercedi Lapacek, age 8 for the ‘Have a Heart’ Project QUILTING Challenge.
Hi I am Mercedi Rose Lapacek, I made a quilted pillow. It is my first pillow! I can enter it in two different Challenges! (project QUILTING and the Nancy Zieman Pillow Challenge)
I used my own needle and thread from my Gramma for my birthday.
I am very proud of it. Have you ever made a pillow before?
I put snowflakes and other fancy stuff on it.
I am 8 years old and I made it all by my self!
I love it!!!!!
“Floppy Hearts” for the ‘Have a Heart’ Project QUILTING challenge
machine appliqued and quilted by Capri Lapacek, age 6 in Poynette, WI
I had over 12 hearts on my quilt.
It only took 2 days
It is called floppy hearts because I sewed the hearts in the middle of the hearts.
Trish came and taught me how to sew the binding on with a sewing machine.
I picked purple because my favorite color is purple.
I did fancy stitches.
It was my second quilt. I am proud.
This is Pip. She is the third sister of the three sisters and she is three years old. Right now Momma is typing up Pip’s story. When she’s bigger she’ll write her own adventures … but in the meantime … you’ll get it through my eyes … and my camera. Here is Pip earlier today. We had to run errands before dance so she dressed in a tutu, leggings, boots, a hat (and a coat which wasn’t on at the time). She was just so adorable looking I had to take a few pictures.
Pip makes a lot of faces – she even has her own hashtag #manyfacesofpip . You’ll be seeing lots of wonderful faces from her and hearing about all her crazy sayings and adventures. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do!